Saturday, May 12, 2012

~Latest Endeavors~

The crew from Maximum Ride is here~!! <3 (Well, just two of the them)

Fang and Iggy~
I think Fang turned out really well. =) Poor Iggy was my experiment with blonde hair.  
And yes, he does have three shades of yellow in his hair. xP

This was an attempt at his second outfit, where he looked slightly emo.

This is his first outfit, with an added jacket cuz his arms looked wimpy without it. xP

The wings were my favorite part, and really easy, too. ;D And look, it even looks like a claw haha.

I hope to get my own body pattern started, so that I can make them all with their wings and post it here. =3
Haven't read Maximum Ride? It's by James Patterson and it is so fun~!! =D
Definitely suggest it to ANYBODY~!!